Constraints can be confusing, and damn are they annoying and unintuitive! So here is an effort to clean things up and hopefully make constraining a little more logical and easy.

This script attempts to consolidate the constraint weights and blend parents into a single switcher.

How do I use it?!

To use it, copy the below and paste it into a new shelf button as a PYTHON script. Then set up your constraints, and select the object with constraints on it. Press your new shelf button and watch the magic happen!

# simplify constraint setup
import maya.cmds as cmds
import re
# create condition node
class condition(object):
	#create node
	def __init__(self):
		self.node = cmds.shadingNode( "condition", au = True)
		cmds.setAttr( "%s.ctr" % self.node, 1) #set TRUE to be 1
		cmds.setAttr( "%s.cfr" % self.node, 0) #set FALSE to be 0
	#set condition value
	def set_value(self, value):
		cmds.setAttr( "%s.secondTerm" % self.node, value )
		return self
	#connect input
	def connect_in(self, into):
		cmds.connectAttr( into, "%s.ft" % self.node, f=True )
		return self
	#connect output
	def connect_out(self, out):
		cmds.connectAttr( "%s.ocr" % self.node, out, f=True )
		return self
# create clamp node
class clamp(object):
	#create node
	def __init__(self):
		self.node = cmds.shadingNode( "clamp", au = True)
		cmds.setAttr( "%s.mxr" % self.node, 1) #set MAX to be 1
	#connect input
	def connect_in(self, into):
		cmds.connectAttr( into, "%s.ipr" % self.node, f=True )
		return self
	#connect output
	def connect_out(self, out):
		cmds.connectAttr( "%s.opr" % self.node, out, f=True )
		return self
# warning message
def message(mess):
	cmds.confirmDialog(t='Yeah, nah bro.', m=mess)
# get working!
sel =
if len(sel) == 1:
	sel = sel[0]
	for at in ["translate", "rotate"]: #add keyframe if none to force a pairBlend
		if not cmds.keyframe( sel, at= at, q=True ):
			cmds.setKeyframe( sel, at=at )
	blend_reg = re.compile("pairBlend[0-9]+") #regex for getting the blendparent node
	const_reg = re.compile("_[a-z]+Constraint[0-9]+")# check contraint is there
	opt = {} #menu options - different constraints
	children = cmds.listRelatives( sel, typ="transform")
	if children:
		for child in children: #find constraint
			if child ):
				attr = cmds.listConnections( child, p=True, c=True) #find pairBlend
				for at in attr:
					if at ):
						opt.setdefault("nothing", set()).add(cmds.listConnections("%s.w" % at.split(".")[0], p=True, d=False )[0])
				for node in cmds.listAttr( child, sn= True, st="w*", k=True ): #grab the constraint attributes
					attr = "%s.%s" % (child, node)
					opt.setdefault(cmds.attributeName(attr, l=True )[0:-2], set()).add(attr)
		if opt: #we now have our connection information
			dropdown_opt = sorted(list(set(opt.keys()))) # create list of possible connections
			dropdown_opt.insert(0, dropdown_opt.pop(dropdown_opt.index("nothing"))) #make sure animation is first
			if cmds.objExists( "%s.atch" % sel ): #create or update the drop down button
				old_keys = cmds.keyframe( sel, at="atch", q=True ) #update keyframes
				old_opt = cmds.addAttr( "%s.atch" % sel, q=True, en=True).split(":")
				if old_keys:
					print "Updating keyframes..."
					old_new = {}
					for old in old_opt:
							old_new[old_opt.index(old)] = dropdown_opt.index(old)
						except ValueError:
							old_new[old_opt.index(old)] = "remove" #constraint was removed, mark for removal
					for key in old_keys:
						old_val = cmds.keyframe( sel, at="atch", t=(key,key), q=True, vc=True)[0]
						new_val = old_new[int(old_val)]
						if new_val == "remove":
							cmds.cutKey( sel, at="atch", cl=True, t=(key,key))
							cmds.keyframe( sel, at="atch", e=True, t=(key,key), vc=new_val )
				cmds.addAttr( "%s.atch" % sel, e=True, en= ":".join(dropdown_opt) )
				cmds.addAttr( ln= "attach_to", sn="atch", k=True, at="enum", en= ":".join(dropdown_opt) )
			for i in range(len(dropdown_opt)): #connect up our items
				if i: #set up constraints
					for link in opt[dropdown_opt[i]]:
						condition().set_value(i).connect_in("%s.atch" % sel).connect_out(link)
				else: #set up blend node
					for link in opt[dropdown_opt[i]]:
						clamp().connect_in("%s.atch" % sel).connect_out(link)
			message("Cannot find the constraint.\nEnsure the constraint is under the object in the outliner.")
		message("Cannot find the constraint.\nEnsure the constraint is under the object in the outliner.")
	message("You can only select one object at a time.")