There is still time left in the year for new stuff!
Introducing Curve Combiner and Constraint Locator!
Curve Combiner
While messing with rigging I’ve come across the need to combine nurbs curve shapes into a single object. Thankfully it is not something that is hard to do, but the process is tedious and incredibly counter intuitive!
So here is a simple script to help with that!
In your shelf editor, simply make a new shelf button with this PYTHON code:
Then select all the curves you wish to combine and hit the button! Time Saved!
Constraint Locator
Another common task I (and perhaps you too?) find myself doing is creating locators to aid in constraining objects to one another.
Picking up that pencil? Want a parent / parent-constraint heirachy to give maximum flexability? TEDIOUS!
So here is a script that goes and does the hard work for you.
To use it, simply copy and paste the below into a PYTHON button on your shelf.
Select ONE object and a locator will be created, with the object parented to it. So you can use the locator to control the object.
Select TWO objects and a locator will be parented to the first object, and constrained to the second object.