Brand new Users section!
You may have noticed the new button at the top right of the page. There is a new section added to the site in which some extra projects are housed.
Click on it to join up! :)
Inside you will find a messageboard which you may use to ask for help. Show off your work. Share some cool animations, or just have a chat.
The messageboard is simple. Everyone get access to the board named “General” (though you can leave it if you like).
From here you can simply chat to everyone. If you wish to also have a more private board, you can create one at any time. Upon doing so you will be the only person with access. You may add your friends to this board by choosing the “add user” option within it. You may also leave boards that you are in at your own discression.
Keep in mind, the messageboard works on a trust-like system. You can invite anyone to your board, but there is no owner. Once invited, they too can invite people to the same board. So if you want a private conversation to remain that way, be sure to only invite people you trust (I’m sure that isn’t a big issue).
There is an accompanying script that goes with the messageboard for Maya.
You can download it HERE
To install it, simply add the files to your scripts folder, and invoke the python command:
import messageboard
From there you have the same controls as on the web version of the site.
ps… there is also a paragliding log-book that can be accessed. My wife wanted a digital method of saving off her log entires, so I created a web based one. You can access it all under the same login, so if you happen to also need a logbook. Go nuts and create some entries! :)