Constrain an object to time
A quick useful constraint system. Constrain an object to another in time. Works like a Parent Constraint, with time as an added variable.
To use simply copy paste the code below into a shelf icon. Then use it as you would any other constraint. Select the driver, then the driven objects and press the button.
A new attribute will be created on the driven object for each axis constrained. A value of 0 means to follow perfectly. Just like a parent constraint.
A negative value means to move that many frames delayed in time. A positive value means to move that many frames into the future.
# Offset constraint for Maya
# Created By Jason Dixon.
# Wrap the outermost function calls in the Report class
# As a decorator or as a context manager on the outermost function calls
# For instance, decorate your Main() function,
# or any function that is called directly by a GUI
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
import pymel.core as pmc
import pymel.core.uitypes as ui
AXIS = tuple ( a + b for a in "trs" for b in "xyz" )
TRANSLATE = slice ( 0 , 3 )
ROTATE = slice ( 3 , 6 )
SCALE = slice ( 6 , 9 )
class Offset_Constraint ( object ):
""" Time constraint. """
def __init__ ( s ):
name = "offset_gui"
if pmc . window ( name , ex = True ):
pmc . deleteUI ( name )
with pmc . window ( name , t = "Offset Constraint" ):
with ui . ColumnLayout ( adj = True ):
with pmc . frameLayout ( l = "Constraint Axis:" ):
s . cache = ui . CheckBoxGrp ( l = "Use Cache: " )
s . offset = ui . CheckBoxGrp ( l = "Maintain Offset:" ). setValue1 ( True )
s . trans = ui . CheckBoxGrp ( l = "Translate:" ). setValue1 ( True ). onCommand ( lambda x : s . uncheck_boxes ( s . trans_ax ))
s . trans_ax = ui . CheckBoxGrp ( l = "" , la3 = ( "X" , "Y" , "Z" ), ncb = 3 ). onCommand ( lambda x : s . uncheck_boxes ( s . trans ))
s . rot = ui . CheckBoxGrp ( l = "Rotate:" ). setValue1 ( True ). onCommand ( lambda x : s . uncheck_boxes ( s . rot_ax ))
s . rot_ax = ui . CheckBoxGrp ( l = "" , la3 = ( "X" , "Y" , "Z" ), ncb = 3 ). onCommand ( lambda x : s . uncheck_boxes ( s . rot ))
s . sca = ui . CheckBoxGrp ( l = "Scale:" ). setValue1 ( True ). onCommand ( lambda x : s . uncheck_boxes ( s . sca_ax ))
s . sca_ax = ui . CheckBoxGrp ( l = "" , la3 = ( "X" , "Y" , "Z" ), ncb = 3 ). onCommand ( lambda x : s . uncheck_boxes ( s . sca ))
ui . Button ( l = "Apply" , h = 40 ). setCommand ( lambda x : s . check_options ())
def uncheck_boxes ( s , boxes ):
""" Uncheck boxes """
boxes . setValueArray3 ([ False ] * 3 )
def check_options ( s ):
""" Check the options and validate selection """
sel = pmc . ls ( sl = True , type = "transform" )
if len ( sel ) != 2 : return pmc . warning ( "Please Select Two Objects." )
trans = s . trans . getValue1 ()
trans_ax = [ s . trans_ax . getValue1 (), s . trans_ax . getValue2 (), s . trans_ax . getValue3 ()]
rot = s . rot . getValue1 ()
rot_ax = [ s . rot_ax . getValue1 (), s . rot_ax . getValue2 (), s . rot_ax . getValue3 ()]
sca = s . sca . getValue1 ()
sca_ax = [ s . sca_ax . getValue1 (), s . sca_ax . getValue2 (), s . sca_ax . getValue3 ()]
if ( not trans and True not in trans_ax ) and ( not rot and True not in rot_ax ) and ( not sca and True not in sca_ax ):
return pmc . warning ( "Please Select at least One Axis." )
axis = set () # Pull out requested axis
if trans : axis |= set ( AXIS [ TRANSLATE ])
if rot : axis |= set ( AXIS [ ROTATE ])
if sca : axis |= set ( AXIS [ SCALE ])
axis |= set ( b for a , b in zip ( trans_ax + rot_ax + sca_ax , AXIS ) if a )
s . apply_constraint ( sel [ 0 ], sel [ 1 ], axis )
def apply_constraint ( s , driver , driven , attributes ):
""" Attach constraint to object """
err = pmc . undoInfo ( openChunk = True )
try :
use_cache = s . cache . getValue1 ()
time = pmc . nt . Time ( "time1" ) # Time node
wrapper = pmc . group ( em = True , n = "%s_time_constraint" % driven )
driven_base = pmc . group ( em = True , n = "%s_offset_driven" % driven )
pmc . parent ( driven_base , wrapper )
if not use_cache :
driver_base = pmc . group ( em = True , n = "%s_offset_driver" % driven )
pmc . parent ( driver_base , wrapper )
pmc . parentConstraint ( driver , driver_base )
pmc . scaleConstraint ( driver , driver_base )
expression = [ "$frame = frame;" ]
OK = not use_cache # Are we ok to continue?
for attr in attributes :
if use_cache :
for anim_curve in driver . attr ( attr ). connections ( type = "animCurve" , d = False ): # Get anim curve
offset_name = "offset_%s" % attr # Create attribute to offset
if not hasattr ( driven , offset_name ):
driven . addAttr ( offset_name , k = True )
offset_at = driven . attr ( offset_name )
add_node = pmc . nt . AddDoubleLinear ( n = "%s_offset_%s" % ( driven , attr )) # Create our nodes
cache_node = pmc . nt . FrameCache ( n = "%s_cache_%s" % ( driven , attr ))
offset_at . connect ( add_node . input1 ) # Connect our offset controller
time . outTime . connect ( add_node . input2 ) # Connect the scene time
add_node . output . connect ( cache_node . varyTime ) # Connect to cache
anim_curve . output . connect ( cache_node . stream ) # Connect animation curve to cache
cache_node . varying . connect ( driven_base . attr ( attr ))
OK = True
else :
driver_at = driver_base . attr ( attr ) # Get driver attribute
driven_at = driven_base . attr ( attr )
offset_name = "offset_%s" % attr
if not hasattr ( driven , offset_name ): # Build our offset attribute
driven . addAttr ( offset_name , k = True )
offset_at = driven . attr ( offset_name )
expression . append ( "%s = `getAttr -t ($frame + %s) %s`;" % ( driven_at , offset_at , driver_at ))
if not use_cache : pmc . nt . Expression (). setExpression ( " \n " . join ( expression ))
maintain_offset = s . offset . getValue1 ()
# Create a Locator and size it
driven_matrix = driven . getMatrix ( ws = True )
b_box = driven . getBoundingBox ()
b_size = ( b_box . width (), b_box . height (), b_box . depth ())
scale = 1.5
loc = pmc . spaceLocator ()
for a , b in zip ( "XYZ" , b_size ):
loc . attr ( "localScale%s" % a ). set ( b * 0.5 * scale )
if maintain_offset :
pmc . xform ( loc , m = driven_matrix )
pmc . parent ( loc , driven_base )
else :
pmc . parent ( loc , driven_base , r = True )
# Attach object to locator
skip = set ( AXIS ) - set ( attributes )
skip_trans = [ b for a , b in skip if a == "t" ]
skip_rot = [ b for a , b in skip if a == "r" ]
if len ( skip_trans ) < 3 or len ( skip_rot ) < 3 :
pmc . parentConstraint (
loc ,
driven ,
st = skip_trans ,
sr = skip_rot ,
skip_scale = [ b for a , b in skip if a == "s" ]
if len ( skip_scale ) < 3 :
pmc . scaleConstraint (
loc ,
driven ,
sk = skip_scale ,
except Exception as err :
finally :
pmc . undoInfo ( closeChunk = True )
if err : pmc . undo ()
Offset_Constraint ()