Constraint Switcher
When dealing with multiple constraints such as a character picking up an object and passing it to another character, it is a pain keeping track of the constraints and which goes to where. Let alone switching between them.
This script assists with this situation by creating a dropdown switcher box.
Copy the code below and add it to a shelf icon.
To use:
Select the object WITH THE CONSTRAINT . This means the object that is being driven, not the one that is doing the driving. In the case of a character picking something up, this tool works on the object being picked up.
Click the shelf button to set up a switcher (you’ll find it in the channel box)
If you change, update or delete the constraints after having created the switcher. Be sure to select the object again and press the shelf icon again. This will update the switcher correctly.
# Constraint Switcher
# Created By Jason Dixon.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# simplify constraint setup
import functools
import collections
import maya.cmds as cmds
class Node ( object ):
""" Generic node """
node = ""
in_attr = ""
out_attr = ""
def connect_in ( s , val ):
cmds . connectAttr ( val , s . node + s . in_attr , f = True )
return s
def connect_out ( s , val ):
cmds . connectAttr ( s . node + s . out_attr , val , f = True )
return s
class Condition ( Node ):
""" Create a condition node """
def __init__ ( s ):
s . node = cmds . shadingNode ( "condition" , au = True )
cmds . setAttr ( "%s.ctr" % s . node , 1 ) #set TRUE to be 1
cmds . setAttr ( "%s.cfr" % s . node , 0 ) #set FALSE to be 0
s . in_attr = ".ft"
s . out_attr = ".ocr"
def set_value ( s , value ):
cmds . setAttr ( "%s.secondTerm" % s . node , value )
return s
class Clamp ( Node ):
""" Create a clamp node """
def __init__ ( s ):
s . node = cmds . shadingNode ( "clamp" , au = True )
cmds . setAttr ( "%s.mxr" % s . node , 1 ) #set MAX to be 1
s . in_attr = ".ipr"
s . out_attr = ".opr"
def get_pairBlend ( obj ):
""" Retrieve pairBlend nodes from obj """
return set ( cmds . listConnections ( obj , type = "pairBlend" , exactType = True ) or [])
def get_constraints ( obj ):
""" Get attached constraints """
return set ( cmds . listConnections ( obj , s = False , type = "constraint" ) or [])
def main ( selection ):
""" Create constraint switcher """
cmds . undoInfo ( openChunk = True )
err = None
try :
for sel in selection : # Run on multiple objects
if "transform" != cmds . objectType ( sel ): # Basic validation
print "%s not transform. Skipping." % sel
constraints = get_constraints ( sel )
if not constraints :
print "%s has no constraints. Skipping." % sel
for at in ( a + b for a in ( "translate" , "rotate" ) for b in ( "X" , "Y" , "Z" )):
try :
if not cmds . keyframe ( sel , at = at , q = True ): # Add keyframe if none to force pairBlend
cmds . setKeyframe ( sel , at = at )
except RuntimeError :
options = collections . defaultdict ( set ) # Options for switching
for const in constraints :
blend = get_pairBlend ( const ) # Start by following blend parents
for b in blend :
blend_attr = cmds . listConnections ( "%s.w" % b , p = True , d = False )
if blend_attr : # blend attribute on object
options [ "nothing" ]. add ( blend_attr [ 0 ])
for weight in cmds . listAttr ( const , sn = True , st = "w*" , k = True ) or []: # Get contraint weights
attr = "." . join (( const , weight ))
name = cmds . attributeName ( attr , l = True )[: - 2 ] # Pull target name from attribute
options [ name ]. add ( attr )
if options : # Build our selector
opt_names = sorted ( list ( set ( options . keys ())))
opt_names . insert ( 0 , opt_names . pop ( opt_names . index ( "nothing" ))) # Move "nothing" to the front
keyframe = functools . partial ( cmds . keyframe , sel , at = "atch" )
if cmds . objExists ( "%s.atch" % sel ): # Check if switcher already exists
old_keys = keyframe ( q = True ) # backup existing keys
old_opt = cmds . addAttr ( "%s.atch" % sel , q = True , en = True ). split ( ":" ) # backup existing options
if old_keys : # we have something to update
print "Updating existing keyframes..."
buff = {}
for opt in old_opt :
try : # Map old keys to new keys
buff [ old_opt . index ( opt )] = opt_names . index ( opt )
except ValueError :
buff [ old_opt . index ( opt )] = None
for key in old_keys :
old_val = keyframe ( t = ( key , key ), q = True , vc = True )[ 0 ]
new_val = buff [ int ( old_val )]
if new_val is None : # Constraint was removed. Remove keys too
cmds . cutKey ( sel , at = "atch" , cl = True , t = ( key , key ))
else :
keyframe ( e = True , t = ( key , key ), vc = new_val )
cmds . addAttr ( "%s.atch" % sel , e = True , en = ":" . join ( opt_names )) # Update switcher
else : # Create switcher
cmds . addAttr ( ln = "attach_to" , sn = "atch" , k = True , at = "enum" , en = ":" . join ( opt_names ))
for i , opt in enumerate ( opt_names ): # Connect up our switcher
if i : # Set up constraints
for link in options [ opt ]:
Condition (). set_value ( i ). connect_in ( "%s.atch" % sel ). connect_out ( link )
else : # Set up blend node
for link in options [ opt ]:
Clamp (). connect_in ( "%s.atch" % sel ). connect_out ( link )
finally :
cmds . undoInfo ( closeChunk = True )
if err :
cmds . undo ()
cmds . select ( selection , r = True )
main ( cmds . ls ( sl = True ))