IK-Like Orient Rig
A Quick setup Orient Rig / Look At Constraint. There are times it is simpler and far more convenient to animate orientations in a look-at style situation.
Copy the code below and put it in a shelf icon in Maya. Select the object you wish to set up, and hit the button.
Pick your Up and Out axis (the option for reverse axis is there, -X, -Y, -Z) and GO!
# IK Orientation Control
# Created By Jason Dixon. http://internetimagery.com
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
import pymel.core as pmc
import maya.api.OpenMaya as om
def message ( text ):
pmc . confirmDialog ( t = "Uh oh..." , m = text )
class Orient ( object ):
""" Orient setup using IK-like system """
AXIS = ( "X" , "Y" , "Z" , "-X" , "-Y" , "-Z" )
def __init__ ( s , obj ):
if len ( obj ) != 1 : return message ( "You must only select one Object" )
s . obj = obj [ 0 ]
name = "ikorientwin"
if pmc . window ( name , ex = True ): pmc . deleteUI ( name )
with pmc . window ( name , t = "IK-Like Orient Constraint" ) as s . win :
with pmc . columnLayout ( adj = True ):
s . fwd = pmc . optionMenuGrp ( l = "Forward Axis" )
for ax in s . AXIS : pmc . menuItem ( l = ax )
s . up = pmc . optionMenuGrp ( l = "Up Axis" )
for ax in s . AXIS : pmc . menuItem ( l = ax )
pmc . button ( l = "GO!" , c = s . build )
def build ( s , * _ ):
""" Build Setup """
err = None
cmds . undoInfo ( openChunk = True )
try :
fwd = s . AXIS . index ( s . fwd . getValue ())
up = s . AXIS . index ( s . up . getValue ())
up , up_dir = ( up , 1 ) if up < 3 else ( up - 3 , - 1 )
fwd , fwd_dir = ( fwd , 1 ) if fwd < 3 else ( fwd - 3 , - 1 )
if up == fwd : return message ( "The two axis must be different." )
matrix = tuple ( om . MVector ( a [: 3 ]) for a in s . obj . getMatrix ( ws = True ))
b_box = s . obj . getBoundingBox ()
b_size = ( b_box . width (), b_box . height (), b_box . depth ())
cam_pos = om . MVector ( pmc . modelEditor ( pmc . playblast ( ae = True ), q = True , cam = True ). getTranslation ( "world" ))
offset = ( cam_pos - matrix [ 3 ]). length () * 0.1
fwd_pos = matrix [ fwd ]. normalize () * fwd_dir * ( b_size [ fwd ] * 0.5 + offset ) + matrix [ 3 ]
up_pos = matrix [ up ]. normalize () * up_dir * ( b_size [ up ] * 0.5 + offset ) + matrix [ 3 ]
def locator ( name , pos ):
loc = pmc . spaceLocator ( n = "%s_%s" % ( s . obj , name ))
arrow = pmc . annotate ( s . obj , tx = "" , p = ( 0 , 0 , 0 ))
arrow . template . set ( 1 )
pmc . parent ( arrow , loc )
shape = loc . setPosition ( pos )
for ax in s . AXIS [: 3 ]:
pmc . setAttr ( "%s.localScale%s" % ( shape , ax ), offset * 0.5 )
return loc
fwd_loc = locator ( "forward" , fwd_pos )
up_loc = locator ( "up" , up_pos )
control = pmc . group ( em = True , n = "%s_attach" % s . obj )
pmc . pointConstraint ( s . obj , control )
pmc . aimConstraint (
fwd_loc . name (),
control . name (),
worldUpType = "object" ,
worldUpObject = up_loc . name ()
pmc . orientConstraint ( control , s . obj , mo = True )
pmc . group ( fwd_loc , up_loc , control , n = "%s_Orient_IK" % s . obj )
pmc . select ( fwd_loc , r = True )
pmc . deleteUI ( s . win )
except Exception as err :
finally :
cmds . undoInfo ( closeChunk = True )
if err : cmds . undo ()
Orient ( pmc . ls ( sl = True , type = "transform" ))