If you’re working in a maya scene with a lot of layout, it can be quite taxing on your framerate. Assuming the camera is more or less locked down, it can be helpful to hide everything the camera does not see.
This snippet does just that. Simply select the camera (or cameras) that you wish to see through, and run the code. Everything outside the camera view will be placed into a new display layer and hidden. Feel free to inspect the layer to see what was hidden. :)
# Put elements outside of camera view in display layer
from __future__ import division
from collections import defaultdict
import maya.api.OpenMaya as om
from itertools import izip
import maya.cmds as cmds
import maya.mel as mel
import operator
# States
NO_VIS, PART_VIS, FULL_VIS = xrange(3)
def main(camShapes=None, Fmin=None, Fmax=None, Fsub=1.0, layerName="AutoFrustrumCull"):
# Get selection
if camShapes is None: camShapes = set(cmds.ls(sl=True, type="camera", l=True) + [b for a in cmds.ls(sl=True, type="transform", l=True) for b in cmds.listRelatives(a, type="camera", f=True) or []])
if not camShapes: return cmds.confirmDialog(t="Just a sec...", m="Please select a camera.")
# Convert to api
tmp = om.MSelectionList()
for a in camShapes: tmp.add(a)
camPaths = [tmp.getDagPath(a) for a in xrange(tmp.length())]
camFns = [om.MFnCamera(a) for a in camPaths]
# Get frame range
if Fmin is None: Fmin = cmds.playbackOptions(q=True, min=True)
if Fmax is None: Fmax = cmds.playbackOptions(q=True, max=True)
# Manage our scene.
scene = defaultdict(int)
# Ignore some nodes
blacklist = ["camera", "light"]
scene.update(("|".join(a[:c+2]), PART_VIS)
for a in (b.split("|")
for b in cmds.ls(type=blacklist, l=True))
for c in xrange(len(a)-1))
# Use a filter to only expose nodes we want to traverse
nodeFilter = lambda a: (b for b in a if b.apiType() == om.MFn.kTransform and b.isVisible())
# Get display layer and empty it
layer, = [a for a in cmds.ls(type="displayLayer") if a == layerName] or [cmds.createDisplayLayer(e=True, n=layerName)]
cmds.editDisplayLayerMembers("defaultLayer", *cmds.editDisplayLayerMembers(layer, q=True, fn=True) or [])
# Loop frames
for fr in xrange(int((Fmax - Fmin) / Fsub) + 1):
cmds.currentTime(fr * Fsub + Fmin)
# Build frustum planes
planes = [i
for a in (([e(f[b], f[c])
for b, c in izip([3,7,11,15],d)]
for d in ([0,4,8,12],[1,5,9,13],[2,6,10,14])
for e in (operator.sub, operator.add))
for f in (om.MFloatMatrix(g.inclusiveMatrixInverse()) * h.projectionMatrix() * h.postProjectionMatrix()
for g, h in izip(camPaths, camFns)))
for i in a]
# Record visible entities
def search(node):
# Break if no checks needed.
name = node.fullPathName()
if scene[name] == FULL_VIS: return
# Check if in cameras view
bbox = om.MFnDagNode(node).boundingBox
bbox = [bbox.min * node.exclusiveMatrix(), bbox.max * node.exclusiveMatrix()]
full_vis = True
for plane in planes:
near = om.MVector(*(bbox[plane[a] > 0][a] for a in xrange(3)))
far = om.MVector(*(bbox[plane[a] <= 0][a] for a in xrange(3)))
normal = om.MVector(*plane[:3])
if near * normal + plane[3] <= 0: return
if full_vis and far * normal + plane[3] < 0: full_vis = False
if full_vis: scene[name] = FULL_VIS; return
scene[name] = PART_VIS
# Descend to children
for child in nodeFilter(om.MDagPath.getAPathTo(node.child(a))
for a in xrange(node.childCount())): search(child)
# Loop objects
tmp = om.MSelectionList()
for a in cmds.ls(assemblies=True, l=True): tmp.add(a)
for node in nodeFilter(tmp.getDagPath(a) for a in xrange(tmp.length())): search(node)
# Add elements to displayLayer and turn off visibility
cmds.editDisplayLayerMembers(layer, *(a for a in scene if scene[a] == NO_VIS))
cmds.setAttr("%s.lod" % layer, 1)
cmds.setAttr("%s.v" % layer, 0)